Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy June

June is the month of weddings, and since it's June 1st, I thought I'd start off with a post featuring my favorite wedding cake I've done yet.  This was also my 2nd ever cake!  The cake was red velvet and strawberry flavors with vanilla buttercreme.  The calla lilies have a secret hidden support in there that holds the bride and groom's tier up.  Heart attack putting that thing together, I tell ya.  Alas, I think it turned out well, and I'm quite proud of this one...as were the recipients, Andy and Michelle Sherrow last June.  Thanks for taking a chance on this novice baker, guys.


  1. Okay, that is just beautiful! I had no idea you were so incredibly talented! You are going to kick so much butt in DB. Seriously.

  2. Heather, you are too kind! Thank you I'm VERY excited about DB, but with that comes a serious case of "I'm way outta my league-ness!" :-)

  3. Beautiful Kim! Have you started the DB challenge yet?


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